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Will you play with me?

What’s so important about play? Play isn’t just great for occupying kids so that you can get the chores done. It’s really important for child

school kids thumbs up

Making Motivation

Finding motivation (for your child) a little hard to come by? Tips to find the ‘drive’ to get the most out of your speech therapy!

Are toys taking over your home?

Are you ready for the mayhem of Christmas? Are you ready for the stampede of toys that will rush into your home? With school holiday’s

Using Puppet Play to Promote Language

Puppets are a classic toy, loved by both children and adults. Whether your child uses ‘traditional’ puppets, or ‘digital’ (app-based) puppets, there are many language

Playing Games with AAC

Bec Shelton, Speech Pathologist, shares her top tips for getting the most out of AAC in play. When first starting out with AAC, it can

AAC Options: Everyone has something to say

People with communication difficulties may feel frustrated, angry or even embarrassed when they try to communicate their needs, ideas, and opinions. Imagine if nothing you said was

Our Top 5 Language Apps Under $5

Apps are a fun and interactive way to build language, but with over 2 million apps available in the iTunes store alone, it can sometimes

Kids in the Kitchen

Do your kids get involved in the cooking? How great would it be if your kids could cook you dinner!? Or make you an afternoon

Wet Weather Activities

With the wind and chill of winter officially upon us, and the school holidays almost completely rained out, you may be finding yourself trapped in

Top tips for making photo visuals

Choosing the right type of visual Many children use visuals to assist their communication and understanding of events. The first step in making and providing

Easter and Language Learning

Easter and Language Learning Easter is an exciting holiday for many children (and adults too!) While every family celebrates the occasion in its own unique

Social Skills for Kids – Group Therapy

Social Skills for Kids – Group Therapy   Playing and Learning to Socialise (PALS) Group Social Skills Program for Preschool Aged Children The program is

Choice Making

Teaching your child to make a choice Choice making is an early skill that your child learns which helps them become more independent and can

Red Flags for Autism

Children’s speech and language development generally follows a set pattern, although there is room for individual variability within this pattern. Reviewing your child’s communication skills,

Does your child know their colours?

Activities to teach your child colours One of the common concerns that parent’s often share with us is that their child is having trouble learning

Does your child make requests?

The mistake parent’s make? When you are the parent of an infant you learn to anticipate your child’s needs because they are unable to communicate

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes…

Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes… Arms, legs, tummy and nose… Forehead, eyebrow, wrist and elbow… Teaching children to identify and name their body parts can

Is my child a “late talker?”

I recently took part in a webinar hosted by Speech Pathology Australia and presented by Patricia Eadie called “Developmental Pathways to Language Competence & Language

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